Software — I build things
ffwd iOS music player Enjoy your music library in a whole new way. Featuring beautiful artist backgrounds and fluid 3D animations, ffwd is a new way to interact with and enjoy your music, learn more about your artists, and quickly find the music you want to listen to.
See a demo and learn more at

Mobile Music Player Experiment (iPhone/iPod Touch only) - HTML5, CSS and JS based mobile music player for iPhone.
Sorry, you must be using an iPhone or iPod touch to view this link. Please view on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
- Flash-free playback. HTML5 standards support needed
- Fixed header and player
- Scrollable playlist of music
- Touch to select song
- Pause, Play, Fwd/Back navigation
- Progress bar, with streaming progress and play progress
You can even add it to your homescreen by hitting + (custom icon and splash screen, whee!) but you lose background music playing, thanks to Apple's no-multitasking for webapps design.

Trackpad Magic - (Note: Outdated) A small utility that I wrote to solve an issue with my laptop trackpad and my palms. Many thanks to the handful of people that have emailed me about this program and have helped me to get it working on their systems!
Latest Update - 5/22/2010: Removed Apple specific code and made the program accessible to all laptops. Now asks you, the user, to tell it which External USB mouse you have. Still supports 32-bit and 64-bit flavors of Windows.